Residential Zoning by Race in Pittsburgh

On May 10, 2023 (before we set up this blog), we were delighted to have a talk by Carolyn Ristau on the intersection of Race and Zoning in Pittsburgh.

Carolyn Ristau (@carolynristau), perhaps the worlds foremost expert in Pittsburgh zoning history, is researching morality, zoning, and redevelopment. She is a Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture’s Remaking Cities Institute where she is researching the adaptive reuse of religious buildings and morality in zoning.

Under this second topic, she published “Residential Zoning by Race: How Pittsburgh’s Zoning District Promote Different Housing Options for Black and White Residents” as the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency's 2022 Kathy A. Possinger Housing Policy Fellow.

Learn more about her research here:

Buy her book here:


M. Nolan Gray - March 14 - 7 PM


Single Family Attached Housing