Upcoming Events

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Happy Hour (now Thurs)
Come hang out with us and nerd out on housing at Fireside Public House in East Liberty

Candidate Forum on Housing - Presented by: Pro-Housing Pittsburgh, CMU Dems, Pitt Dems, & Pitt Law Dems
Save the date! We’re hosting a Candidate Forum on Housing. The Democratic primary is May 20th; if you aren’t already, register to vote before May 5th.

Monthly Policy Committee Meeting
Our Policy & Politics committee writes and directs our policy strategies.

Monthly Communications Committee Meeting
Our Communications Committee works on reaching people, creating content, and advertising our events.

Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
Our Membership Committee plans events and organizes new members.

Pittsburgh Housing Primer, co-hosted by Pro-Housing Pittsburgh and CMU Dems
Learn how housing gets built and how you can advocate for it.

Monthly Research Committee Meeting
Our Research committee gathers and evaluates local housing data

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Happy Hour
Come hang out with us and nerd out on housing at Fireside Public House in East Liberty

Monthly Policy Committee Meeting
Our Policy & Politics committee writes and directs our policy strategies.

Monthly Communications Committee Meeting
Our Communications Committee works on reaching people, creating content, and advertising our events.

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh: Board Game Meetup
Come play some games with fellow housing advocates! We’ll bring the games, just bring yourself (and a pal).

Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
Our Membership Committee plans events and organizes new members.

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Happy Hour
Come hang out with us and nerd out on housing at Fireside Public House in East Liberty

Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
Our Membership Committee plans events and organizes new members.

Monthly Communications Committee Meeting
Our Communications Committee works on reaching people, creating content, and advertising our events.

Monthly Policy Committee Meeting
Our Policy & Politics committee writes and directs our policy strategies.

General Meeting - 2025 Strategic Planning
Join us as we plan our strategic goals for 2025!

Save the date: Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Holiday Party
Join us to celebrate another great year!

Tree Planting in East Liberty
Come join us and the folks from the Western PA Conservancy in planting some trees around an apartment building that provides affordable housing in East Liberty.

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Happy Hour
Come hang out with us and nerd out on housing at Fireside Public House in East Liberty

Monthly Communications Committee Meeting
Our Communications Committee works on reaching people, creating content, and advertising our events.

Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
Our Membership Committee plans events and organizes new members.

General Meeting w/ Alicia Romano, Exec Director of CHS
Join us for a conversation with Alicia Romano (pictured center in purple), Executive Director of Community Human Services (CHS) in Pittsburgh. CHS provides access to basic needs like food, clothing, and housing to our neighbors in Allegheny County.

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Happy Hour
Come hang out with us and nerd out on housing at Fireside Public House in East Liberty

Module Factory Tour for Pro-Housing Pittsburgh members
Join Module for an exclusive tour of their Last Mile Facility, where you'll witness the modular construction processes in action.

Monthly Policy Committee Meeting
Our Policy & Politics committee writes and directs our policy strategies.

Monthly Communications Committee Meeting
Our Communications Committee works on reaching people, creating content, and advertising our events.

Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
Our Membership Committee plans events and organizes new members.

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh Happy Hour
Come hang out with us and nerd out on housing at Fireside Public House in East Liberty

Pro-Housing Pittsburgh: Downtown Walking Tour
Take a walk downtown and discuss zoning with Pro-Housing Pittsburgh member Nick Rizzo.

Monthly Policy Committee Meeting
Our Policy & Politics committee writes and directs our policy strategies.

Monthly Communications Committee Meeting
Our Communications Committee works on reaching people, creating content, and advertising our events.